
At Beaumont Community Pre-school your child’s safety is absolutely paramount, while we outline some of our safety policies below, please feel free to ask us about any of our safety policies and procedures.

Security Policy
The door is kept locked at all times during the pre-school sessions and is only opened by senior staff when children are coming in or leaving. Our outdoor play area is fully secure with locked gates. All staff are Garda vetted every three years and their references validated.  Children will only be allowed to leave with adults who are noted on the child’s record card by the child’s parent or legal guardian – no child will be allowed to leave with an adult who is not recognised by the child.

Fire Safety
The children take part in a fire drill on a monthly basis in order to ensure that all children are aware of the procedure to follow during the evacuation process. Each room in the purpose built pre-school building is fitted with smoke alarms, which meets the fire safety regulations.

A roll call is taken every morning when the children arrive to ensure there is an accurate record of the children in attendance at pre-school, which is used to efficiently and effectively check attendance during the fire drill.

Food Safety
All staff have HACCP Food Safety qualifications. Your child’s lunch should be labelled carefully with your child’s name, as all lunches are refrigerated together until the children’s lunchtime. Due to the risk of diagnosed and undiagnosed nut allergies, Beaumont Community Pre-school strictly forbids any child to bring products containing nuts into the pre-school for lunch – this includes peanut butter and chocolate spread.

Beaumont Community Pre-school operates a clean hand policy, the children’s hands are always washed before meals and handwashing is carefully monitored after visiting the toilet. Also, all the toys and facilities are washed and sterilised regularly.

HSE Inspections
Beaumont Community Pre-school is subject to regular inspections by Tusla and these inspection reports are available on Tusla website.