Activities & Daily Routine

While every day is different for each child, each day follows a format that allows the child to make the most of their time in pre-school. An average day is usually planned out as follows with times depending on whether the child is in the morning or afternoon session:

Greeting time

Senior staff accompanies the child into the room, greet them and invite them to sit down and start an activity while all the children arrive and get settled in for the day. 

Rolla /Role Call

A role call is taken every morning when the children arrive. Not only is this essential for staff, but it is also a useful element of preparing the children for primary school and is also used for fire drills.   

Planning time

As a group, the children are encouraged to talk about what they plan to do while at pre-school. This includes what toys or activities they would like to play with, as well as who they would like to play with.     

Snack time

The children are offered a snack of fruit or a plain digestive biscuit and a drink.

Note: Please notify us if your child has an allergy, as the small snack will be altered to ensure that this is carefully managed.

Work time

Based on their play for the day, the children will choose which area they want to play in. They can move from area to area if they wish, exploring different options and playing with different friends.   

Tidy Up Time

The children tidy up what they’ve been playing with in preparation for the next part of their day.     

Review their Activities

As a group, the children are encouraged to talk about the activities they just took part in and who they played with, as well as their potential plans for the next day. 

Small Group Activity

The children gather into small groups with their key worker to work on puzzles, play with toys or read books.

Lunch Time

The children bring labelled, healthy lunches which are refrigerated until lunchtime. All children are encouraged to wash their hands and take turns daily in helping to pass out school bags to their peers. When the weather is good, the children can eat their lunch at the picnic area outside in the secure outdoor play area.

Large Group Time

All the children participate in large group time and this usually involves dancing, marching band, music and movement and physical education.

Home Time

Children learn how to put on coats and school bags themselves, teaching them a sense of responsibility and helping them take small steps towards the independence expected when they move on to primary school.